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David C. Kibbe, MD, MBA
Dr. David C. Kibbe, MD MBA, is one of the country’s most productive and innovative clinician- informaticists. During his nearly forty years as a Family Physician and IT pioneer he has served as the first Director of the Center for Health Information Technology at the American Academy of Family Physicians, and he has been an advisor to numerous IT companies including Google, Salesforce, and Surescripts. He is a graduate of Harvard University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa in the History of Science, and he holds a Medical Degree from Case-Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a Masters in Business from the University of Texas. He is an avid sailor and gardener, a father to three grown children, and a grandfather to two grandsons.
In his career, Dr. Kibbe has successfully started three companies in data management, clinical software, and health information exchange standards for secure messaging. In the early 2000s, Dr. Kibbe co-founded Canopy Systems, a national cloud-based software company. He also co-developed the ASTM Continuity of Care (CCR) Standard, the first widely used standard for expressing discrete clinical information in machine readable XML and precursor to both the HL7 C-CDA and FHIR resource standards.
After helping to develop the Direct Standard™ for secure, identity-assured messaging over the Internet, Dr. Kibbe became the founding President and CEO of DirectTrust, the ONC supported not-for-profit health information exchange network. As of 2021, DirectTrust was used by over a quarter of million health care organizations in the United States for exchange of sensitive patient information.
Dr. Kibbe continues to be active as an interoperability subject matter expert and is currently engaged in that role in support of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) VHIE Direct Program as a subcontractor to J P Systems, Inc.
- Tags:
- (AAFP)
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- ASTM Continuity of Care (CCR) Standard
- Canopy Systems
- Center for Health Information Technology
- clinical software
- clinician- informaticist
- data management
- David C. Kibbe
- DIRECT standard
- DirectTrust
- health information exchange standards
- Health IT
- J P Systems
- Secure Messaging
- Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
- VHIE Direct Program