Inside Obama's Stealth Startup
Inside Obama's Stealth StartupPresident Obama has quietly recruited top tech talent from the likes of Google and Facebook. Their mission: to reboot how government works.
The new hub of Washington’s tech insurgency is something known as the U.S. Digital Service, which is headquartered in a stately brick townhouse half a block from the White House. USDS -employees tend to congregate with their laptops at a long table at the back half of the parlor floor. If there’s no room, they retreat downstairs to a low-ceilinged basement, sprawling on cushioned chairs. Apart from an air-hockey table, there aren’t many physical reminders of West Coast startup culture—a lot of the new techies are issued BlackBerrys, which seems to cause them near-physical pain. Nevertheless, the corps at USDS tends to rely on the same jargon you hear around Silicon ¬Valley these days. They’ll say they’re here to "iterate," or to "deliver product," or to "JFDI" (that is, just fucking do it).
When I wander downstairs one morning in late April, Ben Maurer, a young engineer on sabbatical from Facebook, is huddling with a few colleagues on a project for the Department of Defense. "I’m not just fixing bugs here," he informs me, looking up from his laptop for about a nanosecond before going back to his coding. He seems tired but pleased to work on something big—in this case, to map out a broad digital structure for an upcoming project at the mammoth agency.
To a certain extent, the Obama administration has always been a comfortable place for techies like Maurer; the president—whose 2008 campaign was arguably the most convincing demonstration at the time of social media ¬potential—was the first chief executive to appoint a chief technology officer and, more recently, a chief data officer. "Government has done technology and IT terribly over the last 30 years and fallen very much behind the private sector," Obama says. "And when I came into government, what surprised me most was that gap." But creating high-level positions like the CTO was a route to better government technology policy, not necessarily better operations. Besides, the immediate priority was addressing the economic crisis and resolving military entanglements...
- Tags:
- 18F
- Amazon
- Andrew McMahon
- Barack Obama
- Ben Maurer
- BlackBerrys
- data analytics
- Denis McDonough
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- Department of Education
- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- DJ Patil
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Eric Maland
- Federal Student Loan pages
- Government Digital Service (GDS)
- Haley Van Dyck
- Hillary Hartley
- Hulu
- Immigration Services
- Jon Gertner
- Lisa Gelobter
- Matthew Weaver
- Mikey Dickerson
- National Weather Service
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- open source
- Peace Corps
- Presidential Innovation Fellows
- Silicon Valley
- Todd Park
- U.S. Digital Service (USDS)
- user-friendly analytics web page
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