Autism Speaks, the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, today launched the web-based portal for its MSSNG database, making the resource available to researchers worldwide. The MSSNG portal enables qualified scientists to access, study and share findings on detailed genomic information from people with autism spectrum disorder and their family members. Announced in December 2014, the MSSNG project (pronounced "missing") is a significant milestone in advancing autism research. MSSNG aims to sequence the complete genomes of 10,000 individuals affected by autism and their families by early 2016 - an unprecedented undertaking that provides the global autism research community with an open resource to answer some of the most vexing questions about the disorder. This could lead to breakthroughs in identifying the causes and subtypes of autism, as well as advancing the diagnosis and personalized treatment of the disorder.
Google Cloud Platform
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Autism Speaks launches MSSNG portal for open-access genomics research
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Broad Institute to Release Genome Analysis Toolkit 4 (GATK4) as Open Source Resource to Accelerate Research
The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard will release version 4 of the industry-leading Genome Analysis Toolkit under an open source software license. The software package, designated GATK4, contains new tools and rebuilt architecture. It is available currently as an alpha preview on the Broad Institute's GATK website, with a beta release expected in mid-June. Broad engineers announced the upgrade, as well as the decision to release the tool as an open source product, at Bio-IT World today...
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careMESH Launches New Referral Management Module with Guaranteed Digital Delivery to Any U.S. Clinician
careMESH, the only service provider that guarantees 100% digital delivery of protected health information to any clinician nationwide, announced that it has expanded its secure communications capabilities to include a comprehensive referral management module. The built-in workflow tools and convenient administrative Task Manager make it easy for users to create a referral, attach a patient record and other relevant care information, and send it digitally to any other healthcare provider in the country. careMESH customers, including hospitals, large physician groups, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and others, use careMESH to send structured medical records, discharge summaries, secure messages, and other sensitive clinical information.
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Google Is Waging A Financial War Of Attrition To Win The Cloud
Google is fighting a war on multiple fronts—against Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and others—and is outspending them all in the one area that will be critical to winning the future: the cloud. Google’s April 17 earnings report revealed that the company spent $2.35 billion on infrastructure, which for Google means its data centers and all the IT gear that go in them.
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Google Joins the Open Source Cloud Foundry Foundation
Google is joining the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a Gold member. To be fair, this doesn’t necessarily come as a major surprise, especially given that Google recently hired the foundation’s former CEO Sam Ramji. Other Cloud Foundry Gold-level members include Accenture, Allstate, CenturyLink, Huawai, Phillips and Verizon. It’s worth noting that Google — unlike Cisco, IBM, SAP and others — didn’t opt for the highest level of sponsorship (platinum), though...
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HL7 FHIR Foundation Collaborates with Google Cloud Platform to Support FHIR Community
Health Level Seven International (HL7), the global authority for interoperability in healthcare information technology with members in 55 countries, today announced that the HL7 FHIR Foundation is now working with Google to support HL7's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard and the FHIR community using Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform plans to work with the HL7 FHIR Foundation to advance the health data interoperability efforts of both organizations by providing the underlying cloud technology for the HL7 FHIR developer community. This collaboration will provide the FHIR community with resources to learn, create and accelerate real life FHIR implementations...
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Kubernetes Supports Container Management for HIT Infrastructure
Open source clouds, virtualization, and application management efforts are growing in healthcare as vendors are using tools that are meant to enhance deployment and management of applications. Kubernetes is one such tool that is becoming more popular in HIT infrastructure...
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PwC and Google Announce Joint Business Relationship
PwC and Google Inc. today announced the launch of a joint business relationship to bring new and innovative services to companies around the world.
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What Blockchain and Open Source Communities Have in Common
One of the characteristics of blockchains that gets a lot of attention is how they enable distributed trust. The topic of trust is a surprisingly complicated one. In fact, there's now an entire book devoted to the topic by Kevin Werbach. But here's what it means in a nutshell. Organizations that wish to work together, but do not fully trust one another, can establish a permissioned blockchain and invite business partners to record their transactions on a shared distributed ledger. Permissioned blockchains can trace assets when transactions are added to the blockchain. A permissioned blockchain implies a degree of trust (again, trust is complicated) among members of a consortium, but no single entity controls the storage and validation of transactions.
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Why Cloud for Health IT? Sharing our Experience at careMESH
If you want true, robust security, it is increasingly difficult to argue against cloud, given the advancements and growth in major service providers such as Google, Amazon, or Microsoft. No matter how many security staff members or how much cybersecurity experience you have, the major service providers have more. It's no surprise that across industries, investment in cloud computing, storage and infrastructure are predicted to grow at a rate of 17% annually over the next 3 years.[i]
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