The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act provided providers with a significant financial incentive to increase the adoption and use of EHRs. EHR vendors were required to conduct and report on a summative usability evaluation of their system as part of the Stage 2 Meaningful Use program (The ONC 2014 Edition Certification). However, a recent report funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), identified several “issues” with the certified EHR vendors in the processes, practices and use of standards and best practices with regard to usability and human factors.
Health IT
See the following -
Dr. Noam Arzt named Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association
Dr. Noam H. Arzt, president ofHLN Consulting, LLC, has been named a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). Dr. Arzt joins 129 of his colleagues in the inaugural class of fellows. The fellowship was created to recognize AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge within their professional setting, who have demonstrated professional achievement and leadership, and who have contributed to the betterment of the organization. A member of AMIA since 1998, Dr. Arzt has been a leader in public health informatics for many years. He has been active in various AMIA task forces and workgroups, and has been a speaker at AMIA conferences, events, and webinars.
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ECRI Institute Committed to Building National Health IT Safety Collaborative
Building on the Partnership for Health IT Patient Safety, a multi-stakeholder collaborative, ECRI Institute is now responding to the call for a national program focused on improving health IT safety. ECRI Institute, together with the Alliance for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (AQIPS), the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), and the Pew Charitable Trusts, sent a letter to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) informing them of their shared vision for a national health IT safety collaborative. The letter includes the key characteristics needed for its success.
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eDoctor, Inc. Announces e-Prescribing Integration Service for OpenEMR Vendors
eDoctor, Inc., a premier provider of innovative Healthcare IT solutions, now offers Surescripts-certified Newcrop e-Prescribing for OpenEMR vendors seeking to integrate safe, easy e-Prescribing within the OpenEMR to qualify for Medicare Meaningful Use incentives. Read More »
eDoctor, Inc. Announces New Integrated OpenEMR Solution
eDoctor, Inc., a premier provider of Health IT services, is proud to announce the debut of their new Meaningful Use-certified Ambulatory OpenEMR solution for healthcare providers seeking to streamline office workflow, receive significant Medicare incentives, and increase patient satisfaction. Read More »
eHealthInitiative Calls for Flexible Health Information Exchange Regulations
Regulations proposed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT for governing health information exchange could "stifle innovation" and "hinder growth," warned the Washington, D.C.-based eHealth Initiative in a letter to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services last week. Read More »
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EHR debacle leads to paper-based care for Coast Guard servicemembers
The botched implementation of an electronic health records system sent Coast Guard doctors scurrying to copy digital records onto paper last fall and has disrupted health care for 50,000 active troops and civilian members and their families. Five years after signing a $14 million contract with industry leader Epic Systems, the Coast Guard ended its relationship with the Wisconsin vendor, while recovering just more than $2.2 million from the company. But it couldn’t revert back to its old system, leaving its doctors reliant on paper.
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EHR Implementation Still Costs Too Much
Hospitals have always had problems securing the initial down payment for electronic health record (EHR) implementation; a recently released poll from KPMG suggests that financing such projects remains an ongoing concern that promises to last throughout the implementation phase and beyond. Read More »
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EHR Makers Among America's Fastest Growing Companies
Health IT vendors and EHR makers in particular are once again faring quite well on the list of fastest growing companies. Inc. Thursday published its hallmark annual ranking of America's 5,000 fastest growing companies, and found 377 — or 8 percent — to be healthcare related...
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EHR Prompt Nearly Kills Prison Inmate
An inmate at a California correctional facility nearly received a lethal dose of heart medication last week at the prompting of a newly implemented electronic health record system. The system--from EHR vendor Epic--reportedly has caused multiple additional headaches for nurses since going live July 1, sparking a record number of complaints and a call for the system to "go away until it's fixed," the Contra Costa Times reported. Read More »
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EHR Training Often Rushed, Overwhelming
Some of the problems that hospitals and practices are running into with electronic health record adoption stem from the ways that staff are trained on the systems, Andres Jimenez, CEO of EHR training provider ImplementHIT, told Becker's Hospital Review in a recent interview. Read More »
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EHR Usability Gaps -- ONC and AHRQ Identify Serious Shortcomings of Certified EHRs
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EHRs Become More Popular With Small Medical Practices
Cloud services, help from feds, and backing from parent institutions all credited for recent surge in adoption of electronic health records by small physicians' offices. Read More »
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EHRs Key To Medication Reconciliation
Electronic health records have a big role to play in improving hospitals' medication reconciliation, a new study finds, but challenges related to data quality, technology and workflow remain...
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Electronic Medical Records for Cruise Ship Passengers
When I was on my last cruise, I started wondering if cruise ships have ever considered using some form of electronic medical record (EMR) system. It could come in very handy, especially the next time there is a disaster at sea – e.g. sinking ship, fire on board, breakdown at sea, an outbreak of disease, or... Not that that would ever happen. Cruise ships have been in the news a lot lately – and most of the news has not been good. That's too bad because I love cruising. I've been on multiple Carnival cruise line trips to the Caribbean and to the Mediterranean and have enjoyed them all. My latest cruise was a 2-week voyage on a Princess line cruise ship from Miami, through the Panama Canal, to Los Angeles. It was great. Read More »
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