open health

See the following -

Defining An Open Platform for Health IT

It is widely agreed that the future of digital health lies in an “Open Platform”. However, it’s not clear as to exactly what an Open Platform is or how we get there. This blog aims to answer the first question and to provide some guidance on the second. While any given instance of an Open Platform will be a specific implementation of a set of software components owned and operated by a particular organisation (this might be a health and social care organisation or a third party, operating the platform on behalf of a local health and care community), it is most usefully defined by a set of principles rather than the specific details of a particular implementation.

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Desereé Johnston

Desereé Johnston was the Director of Communications for the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating innovation in electronic health record software and related technology.  Read More »

Design and Produce 3D Printed, Custom Breast Prosthetics

As the market for 3D printers has moved from sophisticated, experienced designers into the mass consumer market, individuals are saving substantial money with pre-designed, DIY products made on 3D printers. These opportunities are poised to increase due to the Free Open Source 3D Customizer, a libre, 3D model customizer that anyone can use to create their own 3D printed designs. To demonstrate how the software works and the possibilities that it creates, I'll show how breast cancer survivors and others can use the Free Open Source 3D Customizer to design and produce 3D-printable external breast prosthetics.

Detroit-Area Mental Health Clinics to Implement OpenVista Electronic Health Record

Press Release | Medsphere Systems Corporation | October 21, 2015

Medsphere Systems announced that the Behavioral Center of Michigan and Samaritan Behavioral Center, providers of inpatient behavioral health and related services in and around Detroit, will implement the company’s OpenVista® electronic health record (EHR). The Behavioral Center of Michigan, a 42-bed inpatient facility in the Detroit suburb of Warren, manages Samaritan, a 55-bed adult inpatient facility located in revitalizing Detroit. "The decision to go with OpenVista was based on both the reputation of VistA-based systems at VA and Indian Health Service hospitals and the success other Medsphere clients like Silver Hill Hospital have had with the system,” said Behavioral Center of Michigan CEO Ryan Gunabalan.

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Developers from 156 Nations Work on Open Source Apps to Help Victims of Natural Disasters. Project OWL Wins 'Call for Code Global Prize'

Press Release | Call for Code Global Initiative | October 30, 2018

With the global reach and vision of Call for Code Creator David Clark Cause, Founding Partner IBM, and Charitable Partners United Nation Human Rights and The American Red Cross, the largest engagement of developers in history culminated with the Call for Code Global Prize winners and finalists being celebrated last night during a gala event globally broadcast from The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco. Knowing that people suffer when communications are destroyed when natural disasters strike, Project OWL is an innovative software/hardware solution that includes an offline communication infrastructure, providing first responders with a simple experience for managing all aspects of disaster response.

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DHIS2 - Transforming Health IT Standards in the Developing World (Part 2)

Rwanda's 2012 implementation of DHIS2 is one of at least 16 completed national rollouts of this free and open source health data management. A total of 54 countries are deploying DHIS2 on a national scale, 30 of which are in the pilot stage or early phase in their rollouts. Since DHIS2's release in 2006, NGOs and national governments in 60 countries have deployed DHIS2 for health-related projects, including patient health monitoring, improving disease surveillance and pinpointing outbreaks, and speeding up health data access.

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Digitaliza TXT Selected as a Finalist for the 2015 Bio-IT World Award for Its Adoption of Electronic Data Capture ClinCapture

Press Release | Digitaliza TXT | April 15, 2015

Nominated by Clinovo, Digitaliza TXT, the leading technology provider for CROs in Latin America has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2015 Bio-IT Best Practices Award. Digitaliza TXT was nominated for its submission, sharing a real-life case study on transitioning from paper based studies to EDC system ClinCapture, to better support its local and global clients in the clinical trial industry. The Best Practices Awards highlight outstanding examples of how technology innovations and strategic initiatives can be powerful forces for change in the life sciences, from basic biomedical research to drug development and beyond. More than 75 projects have been recognized since 2003.

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DocGraph Hop Teaming Dataset Released at Datapalooza

Press Release | Careset Systems, Careset Labs | April 26, 2018

Today CareSet Labs released the DocGraph Hop Teaming Dataset at Datapalooza. This dataset is the most comprehensive open map of the healthcare system in the United States. It is also the largest graph dataset available as open data that uses real names. This release represents the transition of the DocGraph dataset from a dataset maintained by Medicare/CMS, to a dataset that CareSet Systems will maintain and publish on their website going forward. “It’s called the HOP dataset because it more carefully follows the patients’ journey from provider to provider,” says Fred Trotter, CTO, CareSet Systems.

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Dr. Noam Arzt named Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association

Press Release | HLN Consulting | November 1, 2018

Dr. Noam H. Arzt, president ofHLN Consulting, LLC, has been named a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). Dr. Arzt joins 129 of his colleagues in the inaugural class of fellows. The fellowship was created to recognize AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge within their professional setting, who have demonstrated professional achievement and leadership, and who have contributed to the betterment of the organization. A member of AMIA since 1998, Dr. Arzt has been a leader in public health informatics for many years. He has been active in various AMIA task forces and workgroups, and has been a speaker at AMIA conferences, events, and webinars.

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DSS and HLN Consulting Partner to Offer Enhanced Immunization Forecasting Solution

Press Release | Document Storage Systems, Inc., HLN Consulting | July 17, 2018

Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS), a leading provider of health information technology (HIT) solutions for federal, private and public healthcare organizations, announced that it has partnered with HLN Consulting to offer an enhanced forecasting solution that provides clinical decision support (CDS) for immunizations. HLN Consulting’s open source Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE) is now interfaced with the DSS Immunization Dashboard (iDB), to bring patient-specific immunization forecasting to the provider without an interface to a registry. iDB provides a visualization of the patient’s historical record from the treating facility, as well as information from the Immunization Registry.

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Dutch Healthcare Trade Group To Validate Open Source Solutions

The Dutch Association of Research Quality Assurance (DARQA), a trade group representing about 600 health care institutions and suppliers, will assist in validating open source software solutions for use in health care. Approved solutions will be given so-called vendor compliance statements, asserting compliance with European and global health care ICT standards. DARQA hopes to endorse hospital information systems, document management tools, archiving solutions and software for data analysis.

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eDoctor, Inc. Announces e-Prescribing Integration Service for OpenEMR Vendors

Press Release | eDoctor, Inc. | December 31, 2011

eDoctor, Inc., a premier provider of innovative Healthcare IT solutions, now offers Surescripts-certified Newcrop e-Prescribing for OpenEMR vendors seeking to integrate safe, easy e-Prescribing within the OpenEMR to qualify for Medicare Meaningful Use incentives.  Read More »

eDoctor, Inc. Announces New Integrated OpenEMR Solution

Press Release | eDoctor, Inc. | December 28, 2011

eDoctor, Inc., a premier provider of Health IT services, is proud to announce the debut of their new Meaningful Use-certified Ambulatory OpenEMR solution for healthcare providers seeking to streamline office workflow, receive significant Medicare incentives, and increase patient satisfaction.  Read More »

EHI Live UK Conference Hosts State–of-the-Art Open Source Health IT Solutions

Press Release | EHI Live | October 20, 2015

EHI live, now in its 8th year, is the UK's leading exhibition for digital health, hospital information and healthcare innovation. The event attracts visitors and delegates from around the UK and beyond who are keen to learn from industry leaders and examine new technologies. The EHI Live exhibition gives visitors the chance to see the best that NHS IT suppliers have to offer. EHI Live will take place in Birmingham, UK, Nov 3-4, in Hall 1 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The event will host more than 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest advances in IT healthcare solutions. It will also feature free-to-attend conferences that will address the major healthcare IT industry issues such...[including] the annual HANDI Health Apps conference which features its own specialist app zone, a feature dedicated to the use of open source technology.

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Electronic Medical Records for Cruise Ship Passengers

When I was on my last cruise, I started wondering if cruise ships have ever considered using some form of electronic medical record (EMR) system. It could come in very handy, especially the next time there is a disaster at sea – e.g. sinking ship, fire on board, breakdown at sea, an outbreak of disease, or... Not that that would ever happen. Cruise ships have been in the news a lot lately – and most of the news has not been good. That's too bad because I love cruising. I've been on multiple Carnival cruise line trips to the Caribbean and to the Mediterranean and have enjoyed them all. My latest cruise was a 2-week voyage on a Princess line cruise ship from Miami, through the Panama Canal, to Los Angeles. It was great. Read More »